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 Central Florida Paintball Series 2011

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Number of posts : 147
Registration date : 2008-06-11

Central Florida Paintball Series 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Central Florida Paintball Series 2011   Central Florida Paintball Series 2011 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2011 11:18 pm

Central Florida Paintball Series 2011

The opening round of the Central Florida Paintball Series for 2011 will be Saturday and Sunday, February 5th and 6th, 2011. The second round will be Saturday and Sunday March 5th and 6th, 2011. All events will be held at Central Florida Paintball in Lakeland, Florida. The schedule for four additional rounds will be announced by January 31, 2011. CFPS is an affiliated league of the PSP for 2011, and in coordination with PSP, CFPS will organize our schedule to compliment the schedule of the PSP.

Race to 2 - Sunday - Division 4 & 5
Race to X - Saturday - Division 3 & 4

Some Florida players have expressed concern regarding just how many teams will be available to participate in RTX in 2011. The only way we know to resolve this issue is to post the schedule and hope teams will form up and register. If you will be entering a team in a RTX division, please register as soon as you can. This will help all players, either on a team, or trying to form a team, to make their plans. CFPS /


All CFPS players will be required to be either CFPS or PSP members. The CFPS membership fee is $30 when paid at least one week prior to an event, and is good for all CFPS events. The PSP membership fee is $50, and is good for all PSP and PSP-affiliate events including CFPS.

CFPS ID cards will not be printed on-site this year. They will be shipped to us they week of the events. Players must pay their membership fee and upload a suitable ID photo to their APPA player profile at least one week prior to CFPS events in order to receive their CFPS card at the next event. If you are playing a CFPS event, and are purchasing a PSP membership, you MUST pay the fee and be listed on a CFPS roster as a player for the week preceding the CFPS event to receive a PSP ID card.

Players who fail to pay the membership fee, upload a suitable photo, and be added to a roster at least one week prior to the event will not receive their ID card at the event. Players who do not have a CFPS or PSP ID card will still be required to present government-issued photo identification and will be required to pay their membership fee on-site, plus an additional $20 on-site registration charge.

Membership and registration fees are not refundable. Players who purchase a 2011 CFPS membership may later upgrade to a 2011 PSP membership for $30. Register, update your player profile, and pay membership fees at the APPA website.

Because the first round is so close, the membership and ID cards won't be required until the second round.


CFPS will again be using PSP rules for the 2011 season.

CFPS will not have a designated coach or spectator participation on the pit side of the field, but will allow verbal communication from inside the team pits for RaceTo-X matches, similar to the system used by the PSP Pro field in 2010.
The layout for each CFPS event will be posted two weeks in advance. The new layout for the next event will be up at CFP the first weekend after the preceding round and available to practice until the next tournament.
CFPS field layout will be 120’ by 150’ for both RT2 and RTX


In general, Florida players have requested cash prizes instead of trophies or T-shirts. Players have also indicated they understand that, as a matter of good business and survival of CFP and CFPS, as the cash prizes increase, so do the entry fees.
To help both players and CFPS better plan for events, we will be instituting early registration fee payment discounts.

RACE TO 2 - D4 and D5
Entry - $300 (if paid by the Tuesday night prior to the event) -$325 (if paid on Wednesday or later before event cutoff)

Prizes for each division –
1st place, less than 8 teams - $450.00
1st place, 8 or more teams - $550.00
2nd place, 8 or more teams -$250.00

Race to X - D4 and D3.
Entry - $600 (if paid by the Tuesday night prior to the event) -$625 (if paid on Wednesday or later before event cutoff)

Prizes for each division –
1st place, less than 8 teams - $850.00
1st place, 8 or more teams - $1200.00
2nd place, 8 or more teams -$ 550.00

To qualify for the series championship and the series prize, CFPS will take each team’s top five scores. The team with the highest total in each division will be the winner for that division.
A double points round will be offered at the final round of the series.
Series prize –1st place, each division – 10 cases Ultra Evil, to be used by the 1st place team entered and playing in World Cup 2011. Teams that wear KEE gear (Empire-Invert) throughout the series and at World Cup will be awarded an additional 10 cases, for a total of 20 cases. The winning team will also be awarded eight each custom CFPS T-shirts with CFPS 2011-Winner logo, and a single multi level trophy.
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Central Florida Paintball Series 2011
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