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 Total Karnage will be holding tryouts for the 2011 PSP X-BALL season!

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Number of posts : 147
Registration date : 2008-06-11

Total Karnage will be holding tryouts for the 2011 PSP X-BALL season! Empty
PostSubject: Total Karnage will be holding tryouts for the 2011 PSP X-BALL season!   Total Karnage will be holding tryouts for the 2011 PSP X-BALL season! Icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2010 1:20 pm

Total Karnage will be holding tryouts for the 2011 PSP X-BALL season!

Tryouts will be held at Paintball World Sport Complex in Orlando.

Division 3 XBALL tryouts will be held on December 4, 2010.
Both sessions will commence each day at 9am sharp so be there by 8:30 and be ready!

Please bring a white t-shirt to wear over your jersey.

Players traveling:
Players that are coming from out of state we will have rental houses for you to stay in, free of charge. Please call Jimmy @ 407.218.9490 within the next 2 weeks to make your arrangements

Tryouts will cost 60.00/day for community paint.

When you arrive at the field you must first register in the office.

Some important info, guidelines and rules:
Tryouts are very serious and will be very hard and competitive. Our practices will be physically demanding and mentally challenging. We are looking for players that have the dedication to put in the time, effort, energy, money, and skill to play a full season of national paintball. Winning does not come easy and it takes a lot of hard team work, good communication, and commitment. TK is looking to be a dominate team(s) again next year in the PSP. If you want to be part of it, then this is your organization. We have sponsorship(s) support however this is not a full ride, you have to be able to pay, nothing is free till you have earned it. We are looking for mature players. We are also looking at a minimum of a full season commitment from you. This is a very competitive team(s).

We are looking for highly talented players who are at the D2/D3 level. Please do not come out if you have just started playing paintball, no offense we love to help new players, but this is for serious level players. If you meet this criteria than come and tryout.
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Total Karnage will be holding tryouts for the 2011 PSP X-BALL season!
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